Maximo EAM is a comprehensive software for Oil & Gas operators to manage and control all types of their assets including equipment, infrastructure, facility and inventory. The system however does not include the accounting and finance functionalities. The O&G operators that successfully implemented Maximo system often find themselves having two software systems that do not talk to each other. The accountants at these companies have to manually process and post invoices and other financial transactions manually. This process is time consuming, error prone and often lack of transparency.
MaxConnect is a software package developed as an extension module to Maximo that enables seamless data transferring between Maximo and SunSystems – the accounting and finance management software used by many Oil & Gas operators in Vietnam. Using standard Maximo’s and SunSystems’s integration platforms, the module allows two-way information sharing between the two systems in real time. For example, once an invoice has been created, verified again PO and Receipt, and approved in Maximo, a Posting Journal is created automatically in MaxConnect’s Journals application. The journal can be routed through several reviewer/approver steps using Maximo workflow engine and automatically posted into SunSystems once approved. Financial analysts can run report in SunSystems and immediately see the lastest data.
This add-on module is designed and developed by me. If you like to see how it works, please leave a message on LinkedIn. I’ll contact you back to setup a demo.
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