For the HTTP End-point, we can set a fixed value in the request header. This doesn’t work for header values that must be generated on the fly like authorisation tokens. To override the headers of an end-point during runtime, the traditional approach is to write some custom Java code. This post explains how we can avoid Java by using an automation script end-point instead.
To illustrate the approach, I will use an example of an interface between Maximo and an application on Azure via the Azure Event Hubs. The API requires a SAS token to be provided in the request’s header.
First, we will create an automation script end-point by following this tutorial by Alex at A3J Group:
- Create an end-point:
- Handler: SCRIPT
- Note: As explained by Alex, the SCRIPT handler is available OOTB from From versions between and, we’ll have to manually create a handler that utilises the java class:

- Create an automation script:
- Language: python
- Source Code:

This is a bare minimum example. When the publish channel sends data to this end-point. It will call the automation script, which sets a Content-Type header and sends the payload (implicit variable requestData) by invoking an HTTP Handler.
In this case, we’ll use to test my request. To do it, we’ll quickly set up a publish channel named AZWO from the standard MXWO object structure as follows:

Then we’ll set up an external system named AZEVENTHUB as follows:

To confirm the end-point is working, we update a work order. As a result, we should see a message posted to Webhook as follows:

Now to get this end-point to work with Azure Event Hub, we’ll have to populate a “ContentType” and an “Authorization” header for the request following the examples by Microsoft on how to generate SAS token. To avoid having to import third-party libraries to Maximo, when there is no suitable OOTB python library available, I’ll use Java code instead. Below is the source code for the end-point:
To test it, we’ll make another update to a work order. On webhook, we should see the result as follows:

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