Just to document a weird issue I had today. I was attempting to configure LDAP (Microsoft AD) for Maximo/Websphere. After it is configured (and I’ve tested that it can query AD data), Application Server security was enabled. Then the server is rebooted to refresh the new configuration.

After a restart, ctgNode01 (node agent) service cannot start. Node Agent log shows the error below:

WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, nodeagent [class com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ServerImpl]

com.ibm.ws.exception.ConfigurationError: com.ibm.websphere.ssl.SSLException: CWPKI0316E: Cannot get a security object from the configuration. This can indicate that the security.xml file for the cell is corrupt and you must validate the integrity of the file.

I looked it up on the web, there are some suggestions about a corrupted security.xml file. So I checked and found that the security.xml file in ctgAppSrv01 profile is completely empty. I looked at other Maximo servers and found this file has an exact same content with the security.xml file from ctgDmgr01 profile. I copied that file over to AppSrv profile, restarted Websphere and it is able to start again.

Not sure why configuring LDAP would completely wipe out the content of this file.