The issue with Eclipse/BIRT designer showing a blank parameter page when we try to run a report has been around for a while. This problem is due to newer versions of IE installed on Windows. When I was using an older Windows version, I can simply uninstall IE to restore it to an original, older version. Recently, I had to switch to Windows 10 which comes with IE11 and uninstalling IE is not possible. The problem is described here in this IBM technote
– In Eclipse, click on Windows > Preference.
– Then under the General > Web Browser page, check the “Use External Web Browser” selection, and choose “Firefox” as the External Web browser
– In the same Preference dialog, go to the “Report Design” > “Preview”, then in this page, tick on the checkbox “Always use external browsers”
– After that, click on Apply and OK.
Thanks! Finally this solution works for me.